Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh I am just not all that smart...

I decided it would be a good idea, a couple of nights ago, to give myself a little extra help in the sleep department. When I was in the Walgreens, I spied a little shelf of "Aspirin with a gentle sleep aide."
A gentle sleep aide? Why, that's just what I need! And it has aspirin to boot so it will help me not have a headache!
So I bought the little bottle of gentle sleep aide and brought it home with me. I carried it gently because I thought I should reciprocate.
That evening I took the gentle sleep aide and sleeeeeped.
But I can not say I gently slept.
In fact, the next day, my head was screaming at me. Thumping and pounding in a way I could not possible describe as gentle.
I believe, and this is all conjecture as I have no life experience to compare with, that I was hung over. This thumping in my head blossomed into a full blown migraine.
One fortunate side effect to a migraine is it makes me sleep, sort of. I slip sideways into sleep as a way to escape the wombats eating their way out from the core of my brain.
So the gentle sleep aide got me TWO nights of sleep with a single dose!
I have smashed the bottle of gentle sleep aide with a glass hammer, because I wanted to reciprocate.

I don't suggest buying sleep making drugs from the Walgreens.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday the 11th, 2010

Went to bed last night... No, wait. I went to couch last night.
One of the excellent things about my wife's job is that from time to time she is on call and will need to take calls in the middle of the night. With the terrible time I have been having lately, I decided to attack the issue proactively.
Instead of waiting for her phone to ring and wake me up and piss me off and as I am pissed of have a hard time going back to sleep, I moved myself to the living room first thing in the evening.
I took some earplugs from the computer server lab room where I work and shoved them in my ears. They work quite well.
They work really well.
My wife left for work at about 5:30 am. She passed me on her way out the door, sleeping on the couch. With earplugs in that she didn't know about and couldn't see, but I remember mentioning to her... Of course I could be wrong about that.
When the alarm went off to wake me up at 6:20, guess what I could not hear?
My daughter woke me up at 7:00. Just in time for us to run around like lunatics to get out of the house at 7:20.

So, this was kind of a drag. But I slept like the Dickens.
If you can do that. Sleep like the Dickens, I mean.
Maybe I slept the hell out of the night.
Or perhaps I slept like hotcakes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Friday night (Saturday morning), 4:30am

This whole blog will be about chronecling the many, many different ways in which I am woken up. There are a lot of them and there are many reasons for them.

Here are some reasons:
-We live in an open environment loft kind of arrangement. There are two floors, but only one room that is actually separated from the rest of the space by a door.
-That one room is my 12 year old daughter's room. I can't sleep in there.
-My wife has a job that requires her to get calls from time to time at night.
-My wife has some respiratory issues that I will get into at a later time.
-We have more animals than might be reasonable.
-We live in a building with a too-high ratio of nosy assholes.
-And, this being the most important reason, I am a neurotic mess.

Let's begin with this past Friday night...

My wife also has difficulty sleeping from time to time. Her difficulty sleeping of course becomes my difficulty sleeping. She has an interesting way of handling her sometime sleep difficulty. Friday night or Saturday morning, depending on your perspective and desire to be timeatically accurate, was an excellent example.
At 4:30 am I was woken up by the sound of her emptying the dishwasher. Now, if you were attempting to empty a dishwasher quietly, like, "I HAVE to empty the dishwasher for some emergency reason, but I don't want to wake anyone up while I do it.", you would have a really hard time. I mean, if you were really trying to be quiet, it would be loud.
Dishes clacking together, silver wear tinkling, pots and pans dinging off each other. It's not a quiet thing to do. When you're trying.
My wife will dive into any chore she happens to be doing as though it were noon, even if it is, as I have mentioned, 4:30 am. She doesn't even attempt to empty the dishwasher quietly, which I guess makes sense because there's no way you could do it anyway, but makes me wonder right away, after having been woken up, WHY ARE YOU EMPTYINNG THE DISHWASHER AT 4:30 am?

I asked her to please stop emptying the dishwasher. She said okay then began to move things around from cabinet to cabinet to the point where I almost wanted to ask her to please start emptying the dishwasher again.