Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh I am just not all that smart...

I decided it would be a good idea, a couple of nights ago, to give myself a little extra help in the sleep department. When I was in the Walgreens, I spied a little shelf of "Aspirin with a gentle sleep aide."
A gentle sleep aide? Why, that's just what I need! And it has aspirin to boot so it will help me not have a headache!
So I bought the little bottle of gentle sleep aide and brought it home with me. I carried it gently because I thought I should reciprocate.
That evening I took the gentle sleep aide and sleeeeeped.
But I can not say I gently slept.
In fact, the next day, my head was screaming at me. Thumping and pounding in a way I could not possible describe as gentle.
I believe, and this is all conjecture as I have no life experience to compare with, that I was hung over. This thumping in my head blossomed into a full blown migraine.
One fortunate side effect to a migraine is it makes me sleep, sort of. I slip sideways into sleep as a way to escape the wombats eating their way out from the core of my brain.
So the gentle sleep aide got me TWO nights of sleep with a single dose!
I have smashed the bottle of gentle sleep aide with a glass hammer, because I wanted to reciprocate.

I don't suggest buying sleep making drugs from the Walgreens.

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